
Alex Strauch

We need more guys like Alex Strauch. I just finished listening to his message from the 2004 "Iron Sharpens Iron" conference at Emmaus Bible College. Here's the link to the mp3.

Here's a guy who gets it, and this message should be required listening for anyone who has felt pressure to worship according to a prescribed format (especially according to the Assembly Way). He's telling people to stop being chained to tradition, to not be afraid to change things and be renewed in our thinking. Also, in relation to the Holy Spirit, there are some good thoughts related to what Tristan wrote yesterday. Here are a few quotes I enjoyed:

"There is the constant human tendency in every single heart to trust in the outward external forms and rites and formalities we go through. It's in every heart."

"If you focus on your techniques and special style of worship, then you will demean the elements. Jesus gave the elements of the bread and cup--He didn't give a time and place of worship. He didn't give some kind of special technique or science of worship."

And a quote from S. Lewis Johnson too: "In every generation, we need an enlightened purification of our traditions."