
About This Blog

I'm new to the whole blog experience, but here some thoughts on the direction of this thing. I'm just discovering the new discussion that is being generated by hosts of people who are simply writing their thoughts, reading other's thoughts, and responding to them. So after reading from informed minds want to know, Holiday at the Beach, and others I'm ready 'join the fray' and add my voice to the searchable archives of Feedster and Google.

This is an anonymous blog for now, but here's my basic background so you know where I'm coming from. I'm a twenty-something guy who has lived in the midwest USA for my whole life. I was homeschooled by awesome parents who love the Lord and have passed on so much to me by being faithful examples. My church background is in the "Plymouth Brethren" movement, and I attended Emmaus Bible College for a bit where I learned to appreciate theology, greek, Bible study, and wings at the Ground Round. I ended up transferring to a big public university where I received a degree in Computer Science and am now gainfully employed by a good company in my field. Also, I am recently married to a wonderful wife, and am so blessed to have her by my side. No kids yet.

I enjoy writing and am thinking a blog will be a good outlet for some of that creative energy. Also, I like the idea of having a "sounding board" of sorts where I can get some feedback on my thoughts to know whether I'm just really getting wacky sometimes. It's hard to say where this blog will go topically, but I hope to keep things centered around theology, church life, and culture. My background has a lot of tradition, and I want to think through what is Biblical and what isn't, and how that should shape the way that I live. I'll probably throw in my random devotional thoughts as well, as I think it will help me stay a little more focused if I'm keeping some sort of spiritual journal of my thoughts.

So that's it for now! I'm looking forward to seeing where this all takes me.